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Clear Negative Energy to Improve the Feng Shui in your home and office
Harmonic Mandalas & Music
Harmonic Music clears negative energy from your home using positive energy patterns.
Harmonic Mandalas entrain the energy in the environment to be in tune with nature’s energy patterns.
The Feng Shui in your space is improved by clearing negative energy and replacing it with purified, harmonious energy.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Harmonic Mandalas?
Harmonic Mandalas use Feng Shui to improve the quality and flow of energy in your home or office. Using specific symbols, shapes, and patterns, the mandalas clear negative energy and turn it into smoothly flowing, positive energy. To learn more about the history of mandalas, click here.
Isn’t Feng Shui about where to put your bed?
Feng Shui practitioners work with physical and energetic elements to create environments that support vitality. Harmonic Mandalas and Music work like energy air filters. By removing energetic junk, the energy in the space feels clean and bright. The music produces instant results, while the mandalas work steadily over time to improve the quality of the energy.
What are the benefits of the mandalas and music?
Mandalas and music clear negative energy and restore positive energy in your home or office. High quality positive energy supports growth and prosperity. You can survive in an place full of garbage, but you can thrive in an place that is clean and bright.
What is Feng Shui music?
Long ago, Feng Shui Masters recognized both the harmful and helpful impact that sound has on the body and in environments. Through years of study, the masters found a range of musical tones that are energy balancing and healing. This ancient wisdom is applied to all of the music at Harmonic Mandalas and Music. Visit the Music Library in the Shop to download the music, and visit @HarmonicMandalas on GJW or YouTube to play our videos.
Can the negative energy at work or school be a problem at home?
Yes. Offices and other public places have all types of energy. Oftentimes, negative energy from these places can “dirty” our energy due to the strong emotions and many tech devices. By having clear, positive energy at home, it is easier to let go of the chaotic, negative energy picked up throughout the day.
Can I get help choosing?
Yes! I recommend an energy reading on the property before purchasing to make sure you receive the mandala and/or music that best suits the energy needs of your space. The physical address where the mandala will be displayed is all that is needed. Contact me and I will email the recommendations.
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