Mandala 414


Mandala 414 calms agitated energy that contributes to feelings of worry and doubt by clearing and reorganizing energy patterns, which supports a sense of trust in a higher power. See description below for more information.

There are times when the environment we live in contributes to feelings of uncertainty, worry, and doubt. This mandala calms that agitated energy. The shift in energy contributes to a sense of peace and a feeling that, though times can be difficult, we are still cared for.

I draw the mandalas by hand, and I also cut them by hand from Hanji paper. Then, I customize each mandala to meet the energy needs of the environment it will be displayed in. Known for its purity, natural beauty, and longevity, Hanji (mulberry) paper has natural fiber inclusions which give the white paper a semi-translucent appearance. Watch this interesting video to learn more about the traditional paper-making process. I have included a bamboo rod and hand-tied Lucky Knots as the preferred method to display the mandala.

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